Excellence in distribution by stafda

Educational Conference for Construction and Industrial Professionals


Our team has put together a comprehensive agenda that outlines all the activities and sessions slated for the seminar. You will find a variety of engaging topics that are designed to offer you new perspectives and valuable information in your field. 


Our speakers have been carefully selected based on their years of experience and proven success in their respective fields. You’ll have the opportunity to hear from top thought leaders and gain valuable insights that you can apply to your own work.


At the EID event, you’ll have the opportunity to socialize and connect with like-minded individuals in your industry. The itinerary includes ample time for networking, allowing you to engage in meaningful conversations with other professionals.

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Industry-Focused Workshops
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Hours of Learning
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expert speakers

EiD 2025: Save the Date

Nashville, Tennessee
March 11-13, 2025

Hotel Information

Join STAFDA at the Nashville Hilton Downtown as they host EiD!

Tuesday, March 11

1pm - 2:30pm

Keynote: 90 Minutes

Alex Chausovsky: From the Trenches: Distributors Reflect on Operational Challenges & Best Practices

2:30pm - 3pm


3pm - 4pm

Workshops: 90 minutes

  1. Dirk Beveridge: Leading Change in Disruptive Times
  2. Alex Chausovsky: M&A and Capital Markets Update
  3. Nancye Combs: HR Hot Spots
  4. Loren Smith

Watch this space as speakers are added!

5pm - 6pm

Opening Reception

Dinner on your own

Wednesday, March 13

8am - 11:30am

Workshops: 3.5 hours

  1. Nancye Combs: Managing Human Capital
  2. Alex Goldfayn: Outgrow: A Proven Simple System for Winning Market Share & Predictably Growing Sales
  3. Jeanne Hurlbert: Concierge Customer Service
  4. Ken Novak: Sales Force Automation

11:30am - 12:30pm



12:30pm - 2:30pm

Workshops: 2hrs

  1. Dirk Beveridge: INNOVATE! How to Create Relevancy in the Age of Rapid Change
  2. Ken Brown: Pricing Strategies, Cost to Serve, & Customer Profitability
  3. Bob DeStefano: Unlocking the 7 Secrets to B2B Digital Marketing Success
  4. Mike Staver: How to be an Influencer in Any Market


2:30pm - 3pm



3pm - 5pm

Workshops: 2hrs

  1. Ken Brown: Sales/Service Organization Structure & Sales Compensation Design
  2. Paul Reilly: Sales PRO 2.0     
  3. Jon Schreibfeder & Matt Schreibfeder: Effective Warehouse Operations

Watch this space as speakers are added!



Open Evening to Enjoy Nashville

Thursday, March 14

8am - 9:30am

Workshops: 90 Minutes

  1. Bob DeStefano: Distributors’ Guide to E-Commerce Marketing: Strategies for Growth & Customer Engagement

  2. Paul Reilly: Coaching for Sales Success

  3. Jon Schreibfeder & Matthew Schreibfeder: Achieving Customer Service & Profitability Goals through Effective Management of Safety Stock
  4. Jamie Turner: Train Your Brain

9:30am - 10am



10am - 11:30am

Closing Session: 90 minutes

  1. Closing Session