1pm - 2:30pm

Keynote: 90 Minutes

Alex Chausovsky: From the Trenches: Distributors Reflect on Operational Challenges & Best Practices

2:30pm - 3pm


3pm - 4:30pm

Workshops: 90 minutes

  1. Dirk Beveridge: Unleashing Potential: Leading Your Organization as a Force for Good
  2. Alex Chausovsky: M&A and Capital Markets Update
  3. Nancye Combs: HR Hot Spots

5pm - 6pm

Opening Reception

Dinner on your own

8am - 11:30am

Workshops: 3.5 hours

  1. Nancye Combs: Managing Human Capital
  2. Alex Goldfayn: Outgrow: A Proven Simple System for Winning Market Share & Predictably Growing Sales
  3. Jeanne Hurlbert: Concierge Customer Service
  4. Steve Yastrow: Find Your Why: Improve Your Brand

11:30am - 12:30pm



12:30pm - 2:30pm

Workshops: 2hrs

  1. Dirk Beveridge: INNOVATE! How to Create Relevancy in the Age of Rapid Change
  2. Ken Brown: Pricing Strategies, Cost to Serve, & Customer Profitability
  3. Bob DeStefano: Unlocking the 7 Secrets to B2B Digital Marketing Success
  4. Mike Staver: How to be an Influencer in Any Market

2:30pm - 3pm



3pm - 5pm

Workshops: 2hrs

  1. Ken Brown: Sales/Service Organization Structure & Sales Compensation Design
  2. Ken Novak: Digital Transformations to Track KPIs: Data Management Strategy
  3. Paul Reilly: Sales PRO 2.0     
  4. Jon Schreibfeder & Matt Schreibfeder: Effective Warehouse Operations



Open Evening to Enjoy Nashville

8am - 9:30am

Workshops: 90 Minutes

  1. Bob DeStefano: Distributors’ Guide to E-Commerce Marketing: Strategies for Growth & Customer Engagement

  2. Paul Reilly: Coaching for Sales Success

  3. Jon Schreibfeder & Matthew Schreibfeder: Achieving Customer Service & Profitability Goals through Effective Management of Safety Stock
  4. Jamie Turner: Train Your Brain

9:30am - 10am



10am - 11:30am

Closing Session: 90 minutes

  1. Closing Session Don Yaeger: What Makes the Great Ones Great